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  • Hello, I just joined this group

    I am a rookie copywriter I have been analyzing successful copy from John and a few other business that are proven for the past 2 months. I am doing this to get my brain familiar with copywriting and how others have successfully sold. While analyzing copy I am also practicing writing my own copy. What I believe…Read more

    • Welcome, Jalal.

      A few suggestions:

      1. Don’t just analyze, also hand copy great copy and even memorize some occasionally.

      2. Create exercises for yourself when you analyze that put make you put the principles and techniques you learn into practice. Or immediately put them into practice in the “writing” part.

      3. Get others to read your copy…Read more

  • Serious question. Does anyone know where I can buy or find Gary benzinga ads so I can study them. (Besides on the swipe website).

    I already finished those. If so please let me know. Thank you in advanced!

    • You can buy Gary’s course if he still sells it, but that’s $5,000.

      Besides the swipe websites, you should find an ad or two just by googling his name spelled correctly (Bencivenga) and “ad swipe” or something like that.

      This is the website for his olive oil club, and the copy sounds like Gary: https://freshpressedoliveoil.com/.

      If you google…Read more

    • Thanks for the olive oil website David. I love the copy!

      Everyday I learn more and more that you don’t just need to struggle finding dates or struggle to get in shape to have pain points. Some people just want some damn good olive oil!

  • Hello

    My name’s Max. A new member of this club.

    My most current/pressing business challenge right now is writing “selling” copy in social media posts that don’t sound salesly. So that when I segue from the body copy to the CTA – action part of the copy, it still sounds as if I want to help them, and not just sell them.

    • Max, welcome.

      Just frame the CTA as where to go to learn or discover more.

      It helps if the sales page or message they will go to really does offer valuable advice, information or secrets.

      Then you can directly offer that advice, information or secrets.

      Hope that helps.

      It’s hard to comment too much without more specifics on exactly what…Read more

    • Thank you David that helps a lot.

      What I discovered shortly after writing that message was my main pressing problem was writing concise, short to the point copy in social media posts.

      My natural tendancy to write long-form decreases reader engagement and therefore impressions because I probably haven’t acquired the experience and skillset to…Read more

    • Try writing on Twitter/X where you have to limit to 280 characters.

      Study people who are good at short form posts or short form writing of any kind.

      Force yourself to write to constraints — e.g. create a non-expandable text box that can only contain a certain number of words and keep trying until you can edit it down so it all fits in.

      And s…Read more

    • Thank you very, much. Will do know

  • Suneet Agarwal posted an update 3 weeks ago

    John Carlton’s Best Ads: Wickedly-Clever Grabbers

    Love these! I have many real estate broker clients. Going to give variations of these a shot.

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Recent Member Lessons

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Premium Programs

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Platinum Mastermind 

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The Simple Writing System

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Enter The Clubhouse

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Kick-Ass Copywriting 

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Carlton Swipe Files

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The Freelance Course

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