John Carlton’s Freelance Course Home Page

John Carlton’s Freelance Course Home Page

Welcome to the home page of John Carlton’s Freelance Course.

As soon as you purchase the course, you have instant access to all of these bonuses. (If you need to take care of that important step, head here right now.)

Click on the links to get to the good stuff.

Freelance Course Audios

John Carlton reads the entire course to you. Great for making long drives pay off. You can stream these from any device.

0 Introduction

1 Get Good

2 Get Connected

3 Get Paid

Freelance Course Bonuses:

11 Marketing Quick Fixes – John Carlton’s checklist for solving biz problems when he consults with clients.

Uncensored Real-World Advice From Top Freelancers – Once-struggling (now-famous) freelance copywriters share what they learned from John Carlton. Career advice from David Deutsch, Chris Haddad, Lorrie Morgan, David Garfinkel, Harlan Kilstein, Million $ Mike Morgan, Colin Chung, and others.

The Marketing Rebel Consultant Quick Start Guide – Stan Dahl’s guide to providing maximum value (and earning maximum $$$) by learning how to operate as a hard-core consultant.

My “Power Words Report” – John’s signature compendium of awesome words and phrases lifted from his best ads. Guaranteed to shock, delight and influence readers.


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