The Marketing Rebel Insider’s Club

Finally, an easy and affordable way to get the kind of mentoring you probably don’t have...

Build A Recession-Proof Business By Letting Experienced, Successful, (and somewhat Reclusive) Marketing Vets Show You How It’s Done.

How to Win Customers and Influence People

From Stan Dahl, Head Honcho at Marketing Rebel

Not long ago at one of our masterminds, a small business owner was taking his turn on one of our infamous hot seats.

(In case you haven’t heard of a hot seat before, in a nutshell, it’s when experts gather to solve marketing and other business problems.)

Anyway, this guy was worried about making ends meet as the economy seemed to be starting to tank, which is a pretty common fear for entrepreneurs.

What we told him just about made his head explode.

Even in a downturned economy, there’s always business to be had.

Counterintuitive, I know. But hear me out…

See, when times are tough, companies need to communicate their value even more effectively to get noticed. Smart businesses actually ramp up advertising.

The businesses that survive and thrive are the ones people see… and then spend their hard-earned dollars to buy from.

You can do just fine in a downswing… and have everything in place to do great instantly when things turn around.

Because the top dogs thrive in every economy.

Now you don’t just make a wish, go to sleep, and wake up as a first-rate marketer.

Step One: You gotta surround yourself with high-caliber minds.

I know you’ve heard the one about you being the sum of the 5 people you hang out with. If those people spend much of their days whining about the state of the world or sharing screen shots of their Candy Crush Saga high score...

… where are you going to be in a year?

If you’re intelligent and ambitious enough to rub shoulders with successful and willing-to-help marketers a few times a week…

... you’re going to pick up valuable tips and insights along the way.

How could you not?

If you’re like most of us, you don’t live next door to business whizzes. You’re not having coffee 3 times a week with people raking in money online (or offline).

This means your best bet is to connect with brilliant strategists in an online community.

Step Two: You gotta learn to look at and deal with the world as it is.

This means knowing how to break seemingly massive problems into smaller pieces…

… and then fixing each piece one at a time. (This is THE big secret to maximizing profits.)

There's a mix of art and science to this. Once you've seen how the pros do it, you have this skill for life.

The business owners who have this skill — and therefore get the biggest slice of the greenback pie — are the ones who have battle-scarred mentors to help them to:

  • See around the corners,
  • Point out untapped opportunities to capitalize on, and
  • Steer them clear of pitfalls they don’t know are out there.

Step Three: Knowing and doing something are two separate things.

If your goal is massive growth and profits, you must roll up your sleeves and act

Introducing the Marketing Rebel Insider’s Club

15 years ago, John Carlton and I decided to launch a community for business owners and entrepreneurs who understand that you are sunk without good marketing. No matter what business you’re in.

A place for serious students of marketing. Even the busy ones who have only a few hours a month to get input on ways to improve their marketing strategy, tactics, and tools.

We called it The Marketing Rebel Insider’s Club. (MRIC for short.)

We packed the MRIC with information that's not just valuable. It's essential...

... if you're near the start of your marketing journey…

… or an experienced pro who knows business failure starts when you stop learning and implementing new (proven) ideas.

We organized everything so you can quickly find whatever you’re looking for.

The thing that separates the MRIC from any other marketing memberships…

… except for those that cost hundreds, sometimes close to a thousand dollars a month...

... is the exceptional level of personalized support offered to each and every member.

The MRIC Clubhouse Community

Every week, our go-to experts, with their 100+ years of combined marketing success, hang out with members in our virtual Clubhouse, helping them solve problems and pointing them to marketing opportunities.

The MRIC experts include:

John Carlton, the most ripped-off copywriter alive. (Many of the best marketers in business today freely admit to “stealing from” him).

John started building his reputation over 30 years ago by writing some of the most renowned and profitable ads ever seen. His copy changed print marketing… and then was quickly modeled by thousands of online marketers at the dawn of internet marketing.

Multi-million dollar businesses still seek John’s infamous no-nonsense advice. His ability to cut through the BS to get to the heart of the problem continues to make him a favorite resource for his 5-figure clients and copywriting students alike.

David Deutsch, who got his start on Madison Avenue and then moved to direct response marketing when he realized where the real money is for copywriters. He’s best known for writing multiple pieces that raked in billions for some of the world’s largest publishing houses.

David is still an extremely active copywriter and marketing consultant. His clients range from Dow Jones Index and Fortune 500 behemoths to fast-growing startups. They pay big bucks for David’s marketing creativity and proven selling skills. He continues to transform underperforming marketing into screaming successes.

Me, Stan Dahl, who’s consulted everyone from kitchen table startups to multi-billion dollar companies. I’ve been called a “walking encyclopedia of direct response knowledge.” If I don’t know the system or the tool to help you, I know who does and can usually get them on the phone the next day.

I spent decades traveling around the world teaching some of the world’s biggest enterprises (including Starbucks, NATO, and Bank of America) simple ways to measure and improve their performance and results. Today, I mostly run Marketing Rebel and consult with a small number of growing businesses.

Plus, the entire Marketing Rebel Team. This includes everyone who runs my businesses and a small army of some of the world’s most sought-after copywriters.

Being part of The Marketing Rebel Insider’s Club is like having your own team of Indiana Joneses.

The MRIC Clubhouse Community is where you’ll post your questions, comments, and share your thoughts with other members...

... and where we calmly examine problems and opportunities members fear are vast and overwhelming.

We offer individual advice and recommend resources to help you break everything down into manageable pieces, and then solve them. Step-by-step.

Whenever you have questions about your business, you’ll head to The Clubhouse to ask for help.

Yes, that means Carlton, Deutsch, and I pop in every week to answer questions and offer tips. You’ll also tap into your fellow members' combined knowledge and experience.

The MRIC Clubhouse is similar to a Facebook Group…

… except it’s not engineered to keep you on the site for hours.

You don't get hammered with ads. The MRIC business model is not about keeping you on the website.

We do what we can to get you the information you need… and then get you back to the world to implement.

The Clubhouse Community is the most popular part of the MRIC, but it’s just a piece of what you’ll be getting.

Let’s take a deeper look under the hood.

Before I tell you about all of the information waiting for you inside – the minute you sign up — I want to warn you that your first reaction might be:

Holy Hole in a Doughnut, Batman!
That’s an OVERWHELMING Amount of Knowledge!!

It won’t be overwhelming. Let me explain…

When you walk into your favorite buffet restaurant, there is a LOT of tasty food there to eat…

… and you don’t try to eat all of it in an hour. Or two. (At least you shouldn’t. Good does not come from that.)

You know it will take time – over many return visits – to enjoy everything you want to try.

If you’re a gamer, the MRIC has much in common with your favorite massive open-world video game. (Except MRIC helps you make *real* money vs. spending Minecoin on virtual stuff.)

You know you won’t explore the entire virtual world on the first day. Or two. Or the first week (unless you pass on sleep).

You’ll move through the MRIC like you do your games — at your pace. Go where you want first, like you do in open-world games.

(Don’t worry. We’ll give you some tips on good places to start. We got you.)

Now let me tell you just some of what membership delivers.

Besides the core group of experts I’ve already told you about, you’re also going to find about 50 hours of video, audio, and written lessons by:

  • Joe Polish: Genius Network & I Love Marketing
  • James Schramko: Work Less, Make More
  • Chris Haddad: "Mr. Moneyfingers" - Legendary direct response copywriter
  • Michael Gerber: Author of The E-Myth series
  • Mike Koenigs: Online traffic legend
  • Scott Rewick: Media buying pioneer
  • Kevin Rogers: Mentor to thousands of freelance copywriters
  • Harlan Kilstein: Online marketing wizard
  • Bond Halbert: Heir to Gary Halbert’s legacy. The Online A-Pile / B-Pile Speech
  • Melanie Benson: Authority Amplifier
  • Christina Hills: Website creation wizard
  • Big Jason Henderson: Email marketing master

And others. Lots of others. Too many super-good marketers to list.

What skill will you pick up on the inside? Here’s another partial list:

  • Product Launch Strategies: One-Time and Perpetual
  • Copywriting, including 60 Second Sales Hooks and How To Survive and Thrive In Harsh Markets
  • Generate Mega Traffic Without SEO or Paid Ads
  • The Secret to Asking Better Questions and Solving More Problems
  • Creating & Selling More Products
  • Media Buying
  • Social Media Strategies
  • Get Your Emails Opened & Read
  • Setting Goals and Creating and Implementing Your Personal Action Plan
  • Cross-Channel Marketing
  • Split Testing and Other Website Conversion Techniques
  • Leverage
  • Taking Charge of Your Website
  • Become a Known Expert / Authority in Your Niche

Plus hours of Marketing Brain Cleanses, Hot Seats, Copywriting Courts, and Q&A Sessions…

… where John Carlton and other wealthy experts break down and solve marketing problems in a dozen markets.

You'll apply those solutions and expert advice to your business.

Get ready for fresh content every week.

You'll be getting even more input from the masters on making your bank account burst at the seams with cash.

Your MRIC membership will never grow stale because every week we add content from our vast archives and best-of samples from our other training and coaching programs.

We stock the MRIC with a never-ending rotating selection of videos shot at high-end masterminds, bonus lessons previously shared only with higher-paying consulting clients, and ad swipes and breakdowns that pulled in hundreds of millions of dollars.

Every month, MRIC members have access to special advanced training, such as:

  • David’s Deutsch’s Advanced Copy & Marketing Tips


… an extensive breakdown of one of many of David’s record-shattering controls…

… a checklist or template he uses to create better copy with ease…

… an important copywriting lesson pulled from David’s current projects.

These nuggets of marketing gold were previously shared with David's Inner Circle members only.

  • Hot Seat Seminars and Copywriting Sweatshops

You’ll watch John Carlton and his team of experts break down business and marketing problems and assemble profitable campaigns and business models on the fly.

These sessions are fun. Top-flight business advice and human drama. A little like Shark Tank, if Shark Tank was about the Sharks trying to help the budding entrepreneur instead of trying to buy as much of their company for as little money as possible.

And then, you’ll apply these tips and lessons to your business (When you need help or have questions, you’ll head to The Clubhouse Community.)

Light bulbs will pop off in your head as you watch other business owners grapple with their gremlins and smash through stumbling blocks.

Attendees paid $5,000 - $15,000, plus travel expenses, to attend these sessions. MRIC Members now get to watch and learn from them, from anywhere, on any device.

Bonus Insider Tip: For decades, I’ve seen how common it is for the biggest business breakthroughs to come from listening to or reading advice given to someone else.

It’s easier to hear and process raw, unfiltered business advice when someone else’s butt is in the hot seat instead of yours. Because you don’t feel the heat.

Sitting in on sessions like these is a powerful form of learning, and it’s not easy to experience outside of the Insider’s Club.

  • John Carlton’s Most Successful Ads

One of the best ways to shorten your learning curve is to study someone who's been there and done that…

... and can offer examples and practical advice.

MRIC members can access a rotating archive of some of John's all-time best-selling ads.

Each ad is accompanied by Carlton's commentary and insights… breaking down that ad so you can see exactly why it worked. So you'll understand how and why he made the choices he made.

Reviewing and swiping copy that's generated millions in sales can be a massive time saver. That's why MRIC includes John's "The Art and Science of Swiping Copy."

  • Priceless Interviews

Listen in as David gets some of the biggest names in copywriting and marketing to share their best tips and strategies.

Get exclusive access to the skills and strategies that lead to real success. These are conversations you can't afford to miss.

Plus, each interview is accompanied by notes and action items, making it easy to implement everything FAST. And we've also got you covered with a complete transcript.

  • Million Dollar Marketing Secrets

In his many decades working as a copywriter and marketer to generate over a billion dollars in sales for his clients, David has identified many specific marketing strategies that truly move the needle on sales and bottom-line profits.

These are techniques he has used and seen work repeatedly for large and small companies in all types of markets and all types of economic times — good, bad or sideways.

Every month, MRIC members get a masterclass in one of these strategies — full of specific techniques and examples.

These short lessons alone are worth many times your MRIC membership!

  • The Scuttlebutt Sessions

It's human nature to learn by watching others.

These unrivaled recordings include Carlton's classic conversations on marketing and living life deep with some of the most successful marketers of the past 20 years.

Leapfrog your success by seeing how legends like Gary Halbert, Dan Kennedy, and Joe Polish did it. You'll come away with practical insights from some of the Big Marketing Brains of modern marketing. (The infamous Halbert/Carlton "Go to Guy" call is included in this series).

These sessions are packed to the gills with timeless information on the human psyche.

Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting out, the MRIC is a treasure trove of information and resources for every level of marketing expertise.

But wait… There’s more!

Before I get to the BIG REVEAL… and tell you how little you need to invest to gain membership and get instant access to all these goodies…

(And I’d bet it’s less than you’re thinking right now…)

Let’s cover the FAQs.

It's best for both of us if you know as much as I can tell you about the MRIC before I let out that it costs just $29 to access ALL of it.

FAQ #1: Besides new stuff from John Carlton and David Deutsch and what members ask and share in The Clubhouse, is there even more new content every month?

Yes, there is. We continually add new content to the MRIC.

Unlike many online programs, where 100% of the content is what the "guru" thinks you need to know, most of the new information we add is based on what members tell us they want.

We look at the questions and interactions in The Clubhouse. Based on those, we add new videos and posts.

We will stick to these guidelines:

  • Deliver Fad-Free Strategies

We do what we can to encourage members to stop constantly chasing the next “Big Thing!” and every shiny new object.

Success always comes down to applying solid salesmanship first. When you’ve got this, business problems evaporate.

It doesn’t matter what delivery system you use to get the word out.

You will learn to see new platforms and tools not as scary things you’ll never understand…

… but as quickly conquerable opportunities for you to use your hardcore skills. The skills that stand the test of time in any business or crisis.

You'll stay ahead of the pack with the skills you get in MRIC.

  • Frameworks You Can Replicate. Most are simple.

Over decades of firsthand experience, we’ve discovered proven ways to push the psychological hot buttons in your prospect’s brain.

How to get them from “This is interesting… I should think about it…”…

.. to flipping their “I want this, NOW” switch.

We won't try to show you how to reinvent the wheel. We will show you how to adapt what has worked forever to new situations. Human motivations don’t change.

  • We’re Still In the Trenches

Our veteran experts continue to write copy (for outrageous fees), run business, and earn thousands per hour in consulting fees.

Talking shop with our network of ridiculously successful consulting clients and friends is one of our favorite pastimes.

Our network boasts some of the top minds in the business world.

We pride ourselves on being transparent about what’s working and what isn’t.

Because of our connections and experience, we often discover new “what’s really working” tactics before other marketers beat them to death.

What we share with MRIC members comes from what we're working on this month and what we've learned over decades.

  • We’re Going To Force You To Think Like a Successful Business Owner

Successful people think differently. We show you how they identify, break down, and solve problems. That’s how you get and stay rich.

When you have that “wealthy person brain transplant,” every word of your marketing and every part of your business day improves.

You can get that operation in MRIC.

Our hyper-focus on big-picture strategies and techniques sets MRIC apart from most marketing memberships.

Learning all the little details that work today and won’t tomorrow is often a waste of your time. Because details change all the time.

And those are the easiest questions to answer. And hire others to take care of for you.

Details are easy when you know how to think. This is no small thing. People love shortcuts, but they’ll fail you every time you don’t fire up the gray matter.

We're here to help you think like a successful business owner, apply it to your business, and make your marketing practically future-proof.

FAQ #2: How often is MRIC content updated?

Every month, we diligently review anything older than a few years and remove or update anything outdated. This ensures you are always informed and up-to-date with the latest marketing and copywriting strategies.

You won’t find “Selling with Faxes” or “The Key To Myspace Riches.”

Our focus is on strategies and tactics rather than implementation details (which change monthly in all the tools we use). Our advice and lessons are designed to stand the test of time and provide you with reliable, long-term guidance. We update tool recommendations when new ones establish themselves. (Our members are a big help with this.)

FAQ #3: How do I find [topic goes here]?

As I’ve explained, the MRIC is a vast resource of marketing and copywriting knowledge. Both from the resident experts and your fellow members.

It is not one gigantic step-by-step, do this, then do that, training program.

Once you log in, we present a few ways you might want to get started. You can head to The Clubhouse any time.

Our site uses state-of-the-art search technology, making it easy for you to find the information you need. You’ll find a SEARCH box at the top of every page. Enter what you’re looking for, whether launching a new business, creating a new website, or building a list of hot buyers. We’ll get you straight to those pages, ensuring you can find what you need without hassle.

There’s no bumbling around trying to find an answer on our platform.

FAQ #4: Why join when I can find what I need for free on YouTube?

The last time I found something I liked on YouTube, I couldn’t quickly interact with the person who created the video or others with the same interests in a moderated space. (If you haven’t noticed, YouTube comments are mostly a shitshow of trolls.) None of that is in the MRIC.

I use YouTube every week to get general information on various topics. I know better than to trust the algorithm and Google’s Pay-To-Play model as a source of trusted advice.

I’m also very aware YouTube is scary-good at keeping me watching more videos on YouTube. The MRIC is engineered to do just the opposite. Get the info you need, and then put it to work making money for you. We’re here to help you implement. Not keep you on the site all day selling your time to advertisers.

FAQ #5: “What if I want to use AI to write my ads?”

AI has been a life- and business-changing tool. It spits out ideas and concepts at the speed of lightning. I can’t say I use it every day… but I use it a lot to help me write simple stuff, for big-picture input on new projects, and, yes, as a copy assistant.

There are three problems / limitations with AI:aa

  1. Garbage in, garbage out. If you aren’t a master at asking the right questions with incredibly clear prompts, AI goes off the rails. I’ve seen some pretty good AI-generated copy… by people who are already excellent copywriters. So they know how to think about the sales process and the right questions to ask.
  2. It sounds like AI 90% of the time. It will get better. But right now, you generally get soulless output that reads flat. I’m sure you can tell AI copy when you see it. Are you more motivated to buy from a company that feeds you obviously AI-generated communications? Creating compelling sales messages still takes a skilled human communicator and salesmanship.
  3. Big corporations are banning AI. Every week, more and more companies are banning the internal use of AI tools. Spotify, Amazon, and Apple are already on the list. They are doing this because of security concerns AND because they don’t want their employees to communicate with prospects, customers, and each other with the flat, bland, sounds-like-AI language that AI cranks out.
  4. The big direct-response marketing companies are also banning AI from their ads. Their emails and social media posts, too. The major players — the ones who spend millions a week on ads — have all added “No AI Copy” to their contracts when they hire copywriters. They’ve already seen that, at best, AI copy is average. When you scrape everything on the internet, summarize it, reword it, and spit it out… you get average words. And average words are not going to outsell the competition.

FAQ #6: “I’m worried I can’t commit to an extra $29 a month.”

A lot of people hear a voice in their head that tries to put the brakes on when they’re improving themselves.

It’s called different things — “Imposter Syndrome” and “Fear of Failure.” There are different theories about why our brains do this to ourselves.

The best of the best in the world at everything all have coaches, mentors, and a group of insiders they turn to for advice and tips.

Most memberships that offer any level of personal attention and offer this much content cost between $197 - $495 a month.

You can’t hire me, John Carlton, or David Deutsch for less than a few grand. Our guidance changes fortunes. It’s absolutely worth it for any company that has the customer and product base to earn back our fees (and more) within days.

For about a dollar a day, the MRIC gives you access to us, my team, and the vault of knowledge described above.

You’re stepping into a room with people who, everywhere they look, see marketing lessons and metaphors. Whether we’re driving past a billboard, hearing some current event on the news, or standing in line at the supermarket. Our brains dissect everything and twist it into a teachable moment.

We’ve been doing it for eons. We couldn’t turn it off if we tried. It’s just how we’re hard-wired.

Plus, don’t forget about your fellow members. The MRIC attracts members who are willing to share what they know. It’s been the launching point of more than one profitable business venture.

Any one of your fellow members could be your next business or joint venture partner. Or some you might hire to help with your copy or some other part of your marketing. Or who might hire you.

If you pop for Netflix, Spotify, Amazon, or other monthly subscriptions, they can add up. I get it.

Your return on investment in MRIC is measurable. We’re going to help you make sure of that.

Give it a shot. Dive into the material. If it’s not for you, cancel whenever you want.

That’s right… there’s no long-term commitment.

If it turns out the MRIC is not for you, you can cancel at any time.

You don’t have to call customer service, you don’t have to open a support ticket, and you don’t have to jump through a dozen hoops.

Just cancel from the website, no questions asked.

Until then…

… we’ll match your commitment to your business.

We freaking eat this stuff up for breakfast. And we bring that enthusiasm to your business problems.

If you’re serious about making a ridiculous ROI with MRIC, we’ll be there for you in The Clubhouse.

With all that the MRIC has for you, you’ll get the answers you need and effectively write your own paycheck.

All you have to do is click the button below to start today.

When you do, we’ll email your account access information immediately so you can start taking full advantage of your membership.

So join us and start making the money you always knew you could make today.

No matter how the economy twists and turns, you won’t have to white-knuckle the changes.

When you’ve got the bag of tricks to make that happen, you’re gonna come out ahead of the game. Always.

We’re right there with you to make it happen.

To your success,

Stan Dahl

P.S. Did you know the P.S. is one of the most-read parts of every sales page?

#1 is the headline / subhead. Cause it’s hard to not see that first.

Then, it’s the first few paragraphs. The opening of the hook / story.

Then, as soon as it’s revealed there’s something to buy, if the reader is a prospect – someone interested enough to even consider buying what you’ve got – many start to scroll.

The P.S. is often where they end up before reading much of what’s above.

The job of the P.S. is to get your on-the-fence prospects to scroll back up for more info. And to find the order button.

So here we are, my hopefully soon-to-be new business friend. Hanging out in the P.S.

I’ll use this opportunity to share what I know are really the most common questions some future Marketing Rebel Insider’s Club members have right now. (You’ll find more FAQs up the page when you scroll back.)

The Real FAQ #1: “Can I get a free trial?”

The Real FAQ #2: “Is there a money-back guarantee?”

The answers are “no” and “no.”

I’ll tell you why.

There are many products for which a free trial is a great thing. You might sell one of those.

My #1 commitment is to current members. And you, future member.

Part of that is limiting MRIC membership to people who are at least a dollar-ish a day serious about marketing.

I’ve been doing this for a long time. People who pay are better members — for you as much as for us — than those who will only join for free things.

There is a time, for all of us, no matter what we want to improve in our lives, where we're better off on Google, Bing, or YouTube. We need some basic understanding before we can benefit from expert advice and be in a position to do something with what we are learning.

As a group (of course, there are exceptions), “freebie seekers” try to consume everything during their free trial, ask very basic questions (that the MRIC videos cover), and implement NOTHING.

I’m not really helping those folks. The MRIC is valuable for doers... and far less so for do-nothing, passive consumers of information they'll never act on.

So, it’s best for all of us if they are not part of the MRIC at this point in their lives.

John Carlton, David Deutsch, my team, and I want to maintain the bandwidth and energy to help members.

If the thought of investing a dollar-ish a day into yourself and your business is tying a tiny knot in your stomach…

… please don’t do this.

We deliver everything I promise above.

Spend a few minutes a month with us, and implement even half of the proven strategies you’ll learn.

I don’t know how membership won’t be the most profitable thing you’ve done this year.

If we don’t deliver as promised, I insist you head to my customer support site,, and tell me where we let you down.

If you do that, and I can’t personally make it right, of course, I’ll give you your money back. We’re not getting rich off one month of your membership.

I hope to see you in The Clubhouse Community soon.

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