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Kevin Rogers: “How to Convert Skeptical Visitors into Raving Fans in 60 Seconds or Less”
Kevin Rogers is a stand-up comic-turned-copywriter. He is one of the Simple Writing System instructors and a member of our inner circle.
He explains a simple yet effective method for creating a hook, using the basic elements of a story.
Telling stories is the best way to get your prospects to know, like and trust you enough to want to do business with you.
This is an entertaining and informative presentation from a professional performer…

John Carlton: “How To Prepare Your Sweet Little Sales Message To Survive and Thrive In The Harsh Reality of Modern Markets”
All your plans and high-end technologies and cash-dense marketing won’t do squat for you… if you ignore the fundamentals of good salesmanship. Thus, some essential “Step One” advice from a grizzled old-school professional can transform the way you launch any project or career. John Carlton (“The most ripped-off writer on the Web and the most respected copywriting teacher alive.”) stocks your tool kit with
- essential street psychology…
- old-school salesmanship tactics…
- and the high-end skill sets for tweaking interest, persuading and closing the modern ADHD-addled, trust-damaged, skeptical prospect.

Copy Court 1
Here’s how this works: We selected a handful of submitted websites and manuscripts from attendees… and unleashed our Simple Writing System faculty writers on them.
The panel critiques the effectiveness of the copy, points out weak headlines and sales angles… and hits the essentials they normally cover in their super-expensive paid consultations with clients.
In this Copy Court they critique 6 websites and one sales letter. There is a lot of fast-flowing advice, This segment should give some idea what it’s like to get personal attention from top writers

Copy Court 2: Website Critiques
There are five websites under scrutiny during this session.
There are a variety of offerings: physical products digital products, and services…so there is something for just about anyone here…

Copy Court 3
Robert Gibson, Lorrie Morgan, and Joe Polish conduct a wide-ranging discussion.
Topics include:
- Effective Radio Advertising,
- How to get publicity in newspapers
- How to get on TV/How to be a good guest
- Using video as a selling tool
- The most effective social media tools
- Successful networking
- Using contests to promote a membership site

Action Seminar Copy Panel
Copywriters do a great job selling other people’s stuff, but a lot of them have trouble selling themselves.
In this segment, David Deutsch (A-list copywriter), Kevin Rogers (working copywriter with several years’ experience), Harlan Kilstein (experienced copywriter who also hires copywriters) and Joe Polish and MaryEllen Tribby (who hire copywriters) discuss the copywriting business from two perspectives…the copywriters themselves and those who hire them.
Great stuff here no matter which side of the fence you are on…

ASO Copywriting Questions and Answers
There were several Question and Answer sessions during the Action Seminars.
The questions related to copywriting are:
- Why don’t more business owners use direct response marketing and how to approach one and explain it to them.
- How do you get the client to implement/run the copy so he makes money?