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Product Creation Panel
This was the second most-asked-for topic. The information in this section alone is worth many times the price of the entire seminar.
The presenters are: Brian Johnson from Strategic Profits, Jim Curley, whose business depends on new products to survive, and Harlan Kilstein, a product-creation machine.
The panelists deliver some great information on creating and marketing your own products quickly, easily and at a low cost, from how to figure out what people really want to know (and will pay for) to different methods of creating the product based on your interests and skillset.
Harlan and Jim explain their own product creation strategies, so you come away with specific blueprints you can follow for yourself.

Lisa Wagner: “Create & Sell More Products”
This is good. Lisa Wagner has been deep in our inside circle for years.
Lisa has agreed to share her much sought-after secrets on “Using Education as a Stealth Marketing Strategy”… which can quickly help ANY niche-oriented entrepreneur or small biz owner annihilate the competition (and they won’t even know you’ve done it). If you’re in a cutthroat market (and who isn’t), you need to learn and use these tactics before they get used on you.

Product Creation Question and Answer
There were several Question and Answer sessions during the Action Seminars. These are the ones that related to Product Creation.
The questions were:
- What is the easiest way to create a product quickly?
- For Joe Polish: What are your best tips for interviewing people to create products?
- How do you learn how to interview?