The Best of Simple Writing System Coaching
One of the most common bits of feedback we get from SWS Coaching Students is telling us they learned a lot about copy and selling from the feedback SWS Coaches gave to other students in their SWS Classroom.
Some tell us they think they learned more from other students’ exercises than their own.
That feedback inspired us to include this “Best of SWS Coaching” section as part of your course.
Over the years, some of the world’s best-known and most successful copywriters have been SWS Coaches, including Dave Deutsch, David Garfinkel, Kevin Rogers, Chris “Money Fingers” Haddad, Lorrie Morgan, Harlan Kilstein, and “Million Dollar” Mike Morgan.
You’ll also find a handful of extra lessons from John Carton in the mix.
We’ve included lessons from these renowned teachers, and many others, in the “best of” samples below.
Just click on a lesson topic below to see the student / teacher interaction.
If you’re already signed up for The SWS Coaching Program, you can get to your classroom by clicking here.
If you are not currently a SWS coaching student and know your copy and sales would be a LOT better if you got yourself some personal coaching from a successful copywriter, click here to upgrade to The Simple Writing System Coaching Program. (If you see the sign up page, we have space for you. If you don’t, there will a place for you to put yourself on the waiting list for the next SWS Coaching Program.)
STEP #4 – Features and Benefits
STEP #8 – Salesmanship Mentality
Step #9 – Develop Your Story and Your Voice
Step #12 – The Simple Basics of a Great Sales Message
Step #16 – Knock ’em Off the Fence