Sorry. This valuable information is available only to the lucky people who purchased John Carlton’s Best Ads (non-member)

Sorry. This valuable information is available only to the lucky people who purchased John Carlton’s Best Ads

The good news is you can take care of that right now.

For many years, Carlton has been known as “the most respected and ripped-off copywriter alive”… and it’s no idle boast. Marketers have desperately sought out his ads for decades, so they could both see what a great ad looks like…

… and absorb some of the mojo for themselves. Headlines, hooks, verb choice, positioning paragraphs, killer closing pitches, brilliant teasers, bullets that kept people awake at night…

And, for just as long, people have been hounding him about a rumored collection of all his most infamous, notorious and (sometimes) legendary ads and direct mail letters…

… that includes detailed stories on how these beasts came to be written (revealing the often-shocking tales behind the hooks, headlines, and strategy)…

… all supposedly stuffed into a single digital package…

… for cheap.

Well, those rumors are true, and here it is… John Carlton’s collection of Best Ads.

Click here to learn how you can grab a copy of this collection. It includes John’s own commentary about how these ads were created and how they performed.

If you have purchased John Carlton’s Best Ads, or are an MRIC Member, log in at the top of this page, and you’ll be good to go.

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