Member Hot Seat: Stand on your own two feet: Marketing

Member Hot Seat:  Stand on your own two feet

Evan sells a Personal Trainer certification course. He also teaches his students how to develop a personal trainer business.

He has been selling the course for 2 1/2 years using a Daily Deal site, but they have a 3-year limit, so in 6 months he will be thrown out into the cold, cruel world and be forced to sell his program on his own.

John and Stan start at the beginning, helping Evan refine his avatar. He is selling this into the Biz-Op market, so they discuss the unique mindset of the people in that market.

John then tells him how to tighten his copy (as usual, his first recommendation is to toss the first third of the letter). Evan is a good writer, he just has a challenge common to many copywriters…he kind of gets in his own way. John explains how to strip this letter down to its essence and use that to create his second draft.

You can easily apply to your own market the points brought out in our discussion.  Just ask yourself:

  • Who am I selling to?
  • What is their number 1 concern (usually it is different than you think)?
  • How much of my sales copy is fluff…stuff that really doesn’t push my prospect toward the sale and may even be putting him to sleep?
  • Are my stories relevant to the sale, or are they interesting but do nothing to advance the process?
  • How can I differentiate myself from the competition?
  • Remember…the most effective copy reflects that conversation you would have if you were able to speak face to face with your prospect.

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