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Jon Correll: “Website Conversion Techniques You Could Learn On Your Own… If You Had 5 Years and $500,000,000 Burning a Hole in Your Pocket”
Jon Correll is the co-founder and CEO of Conversion Voodoo. They provide landing page and conversion rate optimization services. Many companies do that.
Conversion Voodoo is unique in several ways. First, they charge their clients $0 to get started. They only get paid if they increase profits. Client’s profits don’t go up? Conversion Voodoo doesn’t get paid. Second, if your company doesn’t already do many, many, many millions of dollars a year in sales, they won’t work with you. You can try begging. Others have. It doesn’t help.
There is a wealth of information anyone can use.

Jonathan Matthey: “Split Testing & Other Website Tips”
For several years, Jon was our resident technical lead and conversion guy. In this presentation he describes the fundamentals of split testing and how you can use it to improve your bottom line.

Christina Hills: “Take Charge of Your Website – WordPress Fundamentals”
We brought “heroine to entrepreneurs” Christina Hills in to demystify the steps to getting websites live, without having to rely on geeks (or having to outsource to strangers living on the other side of the world, who can’t be held accountable). She has taken hundreds and hundreds of technology-phobic writers, consultants and entrepreneurs…
… and empowered them to quickly (using simple steps that even techno-scaredy-cats can easily implement) put up sites, test new copy, launch new products… everything needed to grow your biz as if you had a full staff of geeks at your beck-and-call.
Never again be at the mercy of someone else for essential tech know-how.

Pete Hudson: “Visual WordPress”
Pete Hudson is our go-to-guy for wordpress and website design. He not only is an expert in website development, he “gets” marketing as well. This is a rare combination.
In this presentation he shows us what good design looks like and offers some tools to use to put up good looking websites fast that convert well.
Pete knows his stuff and is able to explain it in a manner that even the most non-techie among us will understand. But, there is a lot of great information for those more sophisticated, as well.

Website Design Questions and Answers
There were several Question and Answer sessions during the Action Seminars.
The questions related to website design are:
- For Christina Wells: What advice would you give about a good shopping cart?
- Is there a recommended source for privacy policy, etc.?