July 15

Action Seminar Big Dog Panel: How to Get Your Product Out Fast


Big dog Joe Polish explains how to get a product out fast:

Joe’s comments:

You know, there’s a lot you can do. So, I am big on carrying little audios around. One of the very first marketing techniques that I learned from Gary Halbert was the use of a 24-hour free recorded message.

So, there are a lot of ways to can and clone yourself, and little videos are just one way to do it. People are too uptight about thinking everything needs to be perfect. You know when people are taking pictures and they want to get the right picture? They have forgotten that we no longer use film. It’s digital. You can just keep snapping a million of them and delete the ones you don’t want. They have to wait, and it’s like this isn’t a polaroid any more. Just snap a s**t load of them. It doesn’t matter. And that sort of thing..

YouTube player

So, I think you are well-served to treat your marketing…just capture all kinds of stuff. We live in a reality TV age. If you try to make things look too polished, I don’t know who actually said the quote, but “neatness rejects involvement…ugly works”. And people try to make their marketing so pretty, so neat. You know, just make it raw, make it real. As long as it has substance there. Don’t just put crap out there. As long as it has substance, you are actually doing yourself a disservice by trying to make things look too pretty. So..

There are actually 2 types of people who make it in this world. One is the charming con man and the other is the guy with total substance who knows how to get his point across. So that is why you see so many gurus that are like Joe, that are just sartorial disasters. They don’t know how to dress, they lack charm…

I don’t even know what that means, but it sounds like…sartorial?

Dressing yeah.

OK. What, you think you’re Jay Abraham, using big words and stuff, or what?

The function of the sartorial…yeah, but think about that. What do you feel? What Joe is saying, it just saves so many people…it can save your life. So many people are frozen…stuck. Absolutely stuck where they’re at because they can’t take the next step. And when Stan and I were putting this event together, we kept saying “What’s the most important thing?” It’s the first step and the next step. Not often the same thing. The next step may be different than the first step, but you can get frozen anywhere along the line.

Just keep getting back to reality. Giving yourself reality checks. What do you need to do? What should you do? What are you not doing that you should be doing? What don’t you know yet that you should be doing? A lot of times you will start and say “I don’t even know what the next step is. I don’t have an image of it.” You now know how to start breaking it down to what you need to do.

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