John Carlton says that you should learn sales from the old-time masters. The ones who had to go door to door selling their products. They know about rejection and how to answer objections.
John’s comments:
How many people can sell your stuff face to face to somebody? Or have done it, have tried it? It is one of the keys. If you can’t do that, can’t take somebody down who has raised their hand and said “you know, I’m interested in what you’ve got”. If you can’t flip him, you’re going to have trouble doing it on a larger scale. Now, sometimes if you are totally virtual it’s hard, and if you are dealing internationally it’s hard to be able to do that.

But, think about that. Can I sell this? Do I feel comfortable sitting down in front of somebody
and say “here’s what I got. Here’s how much it is. Here’s what the deal is. What do you think? Do you want it?”
If you can’t do that. Old school guys such as Thomas here; there’s a bunch of guys who know how to sell face-to-face. But, if that is a problem for you; if you can imagine yourself sitting down face-to-face with one of your customers and just wetting yourself and not being able to do it, take one of these guys out to dinner tonight who know how to sell.
When I started my career, I pursued these guys. That’s how I wound up hanging out with Halbert for the time we did. He’s an old-school salesman. I sought out Jay Abraham for the same reason. Old school face-to-face salesmen who got into direct response. How many people have met or dealt with an old-school salesman, the kind of guy that every time you sat down with him he gave you one of those secrets that…yeah. You’re lucky if you are able to do that.
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