January 30

Mike Koenigs: Associate With Success


AS1-Mike-KoenigsIn an excerpt from the Action Seminar, Mike Koenigs describes how to succeed in business by helping other successful businesses.

His comments:

Here’s the next tip.  I call it standing on the shoulders of giants.  In a way, that is what Vivian did.  She associated her name with other big people.  You do have to be very careful about how you are positioning that.  I’m not an attorney and am not giving legal advice, etc., etc.   I call this “how to get rich and famous helping others get even more rich and famous”.

So, what’s the secret?  Well, it has taken a while.  It’s taken me, I would say, in my professional career, 13 years to get to a point where I have access to Tony.  He takes my calls, I talk to him on a regular basis and we consider each other friends now.  It wasn’t always that way.  I’ll tell you exactly how I managed to do it.  The foundation of the movie “Success Leaves Clues” came from the fact that I had the opportunity to interview him after I had produced a product with him.

So, I made that available and it became a type of sales tool…the interview with a link that would go and sell the product.  Well, after that I had an opportunity.  I was at an event, and had brought my crew with me.  I contacted a whole bunch of authors and asked them if they would be interested in being in a movie.  Of course, no one wants that.  They all said “of course”.  So, I had 25 interviews with what I would consider the usual suspects…John Assaraf, Brian Tracy, Sean Stevenson (Joe Polish talks about him in “the 3 ft giant”…a little guy and an amazing human being.

They are all in this film and, again, on one level it is purely self-serving.  My goal in life is “who can I model to get maximum results as fast as possible?”  So, I get to ask all these people the big questions.  By having access, ultimately, to 50 or 100, imagine what you could learn, right?  It’s pretty amazing.  But, more importantly, by now my name is associated with them.  It has taken time.  It isn’t like you push a button and you’re there.  You’ve got to do for them.  So, the question is, what do you need to do for someone who is rich and famous already, who, frankly, doesn’t need you at all.  What can you do for them?

That’s a good question.  What do you do?  I’m going to give John Reese full credit for one of these, which is to sell their stuff, but how did I get close to Tony Robbins?  Well, first I bought his stuff.  I was fat, I was broke, all the classic stuff, living on credit cards.  I was buying cheese and crackers at the gas station because I didn’t have any money left on my regular credit cards to go anywhere else.

I got a fresh new Visa one day and guess who I saw on late night TV?  I cracked open a beer, started munching on a bag of Doritos, and said “OK, big mouth, Big Teeth.  I’ll buy your stuff”.  So I bought his box of stuff.  I got a certificate in the mail which said “come to the live event”.

I listened to about 15 minutes of it and said…”I’m there”.  Put it all on the credit card.  A couple of weeks later I am in Hawaii and 9 months later I had completely transformed my life.  I lost about 30 pounds in 30 days.  I was going through a divorce at the time, my business was broke, all the usual stuff.  But, I became a success story.  Through that I met some of Tony’s people because I had a story to tell.

Another strategy, and this is a John Reese thing.  He says, if you want to get my attention, become my affiliate and sell my stuff.  If you don’t have a list, if you bought traffic and spent some money, he can’t ignore you.  OK?  If he is writing out a check, he will be wondering how you are selling his stuff.  He’s going to want to know.

So, once you start building a brand and list of your own, you have this power.  Now you can go places.  And, again, it takes some time, but once you have a list of people who know you for the brand and success story, they are going to want to know how you did it.  If you bring them, more people and more money, to your mentors, do you think they are going to ignore you?  Now they are peers, they are friends, not just mentors any more.  And, that’s when the multiplier starts to occur.

In a huge, in a massive way.

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