In this clip from the Action Seminar, Kevin Rogers shows how he uses principles of stand up comedy to create a killer USP and convert visitors to buyers. These techniques can be used by anyone.
Kevin’s comments:
And then I started to think about how I approach stand-up comedy and how a lot of that parallels marketing. The big 3 things that need to happen when people come to your website is that you need to get their attention, you need to make a connection, and you need them to take action. Right?

So, that means you need a very simple, straightforward website. Not a million buttons for them to push, and blinking things and menu items. So take comfort in knowing that what I am talking about is a single landing page. Total clarity for you and your visitor. Three things that need to happen: attention, connection, action.
In standup, you had an advantage. You had to get attention quickly as a comic, but they were on your side. Right? You know, they paid to get in, they had to take a shower, they went and picked up their date, they wanted her to be laughing because that releases endorphins and they had a much better chance of getting laid.
So, with all that going for us, we had about 10 seconds to convince a crowd that we were going to be a good tour leader for the next 30 to 60 minutes. In marketing you have about half that. You have about 5 seconds. And, as John says, when you solve a problem for someone you only create another.
By winning the first 5 seconds, you win about 10 more. And after that you win about 15 more. So, when they say “60 seconds or less”, it is not even a one-shot 60 second thing. You have to chunk it down into 5 and 10 second increments.
You have to make a connection. In standup we cast a wide net because there is a lot of different people in the room. There are people that are older, younger, black, white, married, single, so your jokes have to encompass common things. In marketing, we are very targeted, which gives us an advantage.
In standup the reaction we are looking for is laughter and applause. In marketing it is money and, as John says, in marketing money is applause.
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