This video is an over-my-shoulder look at the thought process and exact steps that I use to turn a client’s ordinary headline into an extraordinary one. Click on the image to watch the ...
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This video is an over-my-shoulder look at the thought process and exact steps that I use to turn a client’s ordinary headline into an extraordinary one. Click on the image to watch the ...
A frank discussion between John Carlton and the amazing Dan Kennedy. John & Dan go way back. They’ve worked on an infomercial together and have spoken at each others seminars multiple times. You ...
Effective marketing doesn’t have to be expensive—especially if you know how to get others to do it for you.If you know where and how to look, you’ll find that powerful marketing assistance ...
Get all of John Carlton’s most successful ads here >> John Carlton’s Best Ads… and The Stories Behind Them Golf is one of those golden markets that is clearly targeted…and populated with people ...
David Deutsch is an A-list copywriter who had always had an interest in Improvisational Comedy and how a knowledge of improv can help a copywriter be more creative. It helps you to open ...
Herschell G. Lewis, a former professor of English literature and cult horror filmmaker, transitioned into a successful career in direct marketing and copywriting. In this conversation with David Deutsch, he shares insights on ...
This is a letter for a launch of a “make money online” product. A well-known marketer is lending his name to it and promoting it to his list. The launch process will be ...
This month David interviewed Aaron Winter. Aaron Winter ran a highly successful copywriting agency for many years that generated over a quarter of a billion dollars in sales and is an expert at ...
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