Video is a great way to get new customers (by “customers” I also mean “patients” or “clients” or whatever else you may call them) as well as to engage and cement your relationship with your current customers.  Of course, if you have a membership site (like Marketing Rebel Insider’s Club) or if you sell products,

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I recently spoke with Marketing Rebel Club member Mitch Tarr, owner of Zin Marketing, whose business is strictly email marketing for clients. I wanted to make this call because email is so important in anyone’s business, but it seems like it gets harder and harder to make it pay. So, when Mitch said that his

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If you are selling ebooks, MP3’s or video instruction, it is easy to do so online. Just put in an order/payment link and a download or “watch here” link. But, what do you do if you want to use the internet to sell toys or gardening supplies or workout equipment or any of the thousands

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