Once a month we post videos shot at one of John Carlton’s exclusive live events. These events typically cost $5,000 or more to attend. Some of them focus on marketing and some focus ...
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Once a month we post videos shot at one of John Carlton’s exclusive live events. These events typically cost $5,000 or more to attend. Some of them focus on marketing and some focus ...
David Deutsch is an A-list copywriter who had always had an interest in Improvisational Comedy and how a knowledge of improv can help a copywriter be more creative. It helps you to open ...
This is a letter for a launch of a “make money online” product. A well-known marketer is lending his name to it and promoting it to his list. The launch process will be ...
Dwight is selling a MLM product to businesses. There are 2 major points that are made. First, it is not targeted enough. The headline targets all businesses. John says that he should find ...
This is a presentation given during a copywriting hotseat seminar by both Carlton and the client for which he wrote many golf letters… Bob Pierce from OHP golf. You get to experience 2 ...
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