Most self-defense ads try hard to look tough. Like the product is tough, the talent is tough, even the receptionist answering the phones is tough. Pick up a Black Belt or Soldier of ...
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Most self-defense ads try hard to look tough. Like the product is tough, the talent is tough, even the receptionist answering the phones is tough. Pick up a Black Belt or Soldier of ...
This letter almost set a record for the shortest time spent as a control at Phillips Publishing (the newsletter giant)… but it wasn’t my fault. They mailed it, it scored a hit with ...
I struggled for years to get Rodale to use personalization in a letter. My other clients found that personalizing a letter boosted response by as much as 30% — a very significant increase ...
You have to imagine what was going on in Rodale’s collective head at the time. This is a very conservative, east-Pennsylvania-based publisher — one of the largest mailers in the world. But their ...
This is an ancient manuscript for an ad I wrote maybe 15 years ago. If you know anything about me personally, you know I’m the worst sort of pack-rat there is. I have ...
Like many things about online marketing, the SEO rules and best practices never stop changing. For good reasons. An ever-growing army of people invest countless hours trying to get their pages (or clients’ ...
Here, I confronted a major objection in the reader’s mind right off the bat: Everyone on the house list for this client had recently been hammered with piece after piece… and the list ...
Here is a version of another ad I talk about in “Kick-Ass Copywriting Secrets”. The client is a “coach”– a consultant who helps doctors get their act together. Which, for most health care ...
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