In an excerpt from the Action Seminar, Stan Dahl explains how by moving forward toward your long term goals, opportunities will arise to help you succeed. His comments: I’m just going to restate, because I have a background in big business consulting, and I realize there is entire industry and countless books on this topic…success

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In an excerpt from the Action Seminar, Stan Dahl explains how to get the most out of your efforts in order to succeed in business. His comments: The way John and I both try to focus on productivity…it’s not really into micromanaging your minutes in your day.  I’m just not a big believer in that. 

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In an excerpt from the Action Seminar, John Carlton explains how small businesses can compete with bigger companies by offering superior customer service. How many people have competition in their market? Pirhanas, sharks, evil, nasty, Attila the Hun types? OK. It’s very common, you’re going to get into it. And, the basics of the Simple

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In this clip from his Simple Writing System course, John Carlton helps his students understand how to establish credibility in their presentation of their products or services.  This is point 3 in the Simple Writing System John’s comments: OK.  Let’s hear what some people want to say.  Who haven’t I picked on yet? John. John: “This

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In an excerpt from the Action Seminar, presenters Chris Haddad and Kevin Rogers explain how the story behind a product is critical for a successful launch. Their comments: To me, there are 2 key stories to  million dollar launches.  Launches that actually kick a lot of butt, build your business, make you money, get your

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