Shamus Brown: Well, OK, the first thing you have to do…one reason why you do it, if you have to do it, is because if you have a list, if you have access ...
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Shamus Brown: Well, OK, the first thing you have to do…one reason why you do it, if you have to do it, is because if you have a list, if you have access ...
Big dog Joe Polish explains how to get a product out fast: Joe’s comments: You know, there’s a lot you can do. So, I am big on carrying little audios around. One of ...
You can’t sell anything unless you get your prospect to listen to you, and the best-written, most engaging email will be worthless if it is not opened by your prospects. Stan Dahl and ...
Stan Dahl answers the popular question: What do I do for my sales letter if I have no testimonials. His answer is not what you would want to hear. Stan’s comments: This is ...
The Action Seminar speakers answer questions from the audience. In this excerpt, Jon Correll explains how to split test a page if you are getting traffic from different sources? Jon’s comments: Is it ...
In this copywriting hotseat John Carlton discloses some simple steps we can take to become better storytellers. John’s comments: The secret (to becoming a better storyteller) is reading. I am a reader. The ...
John Carlton discusses the importance of using clear concise language in copy and stresses the value of understanding the basics. He mentions the original Elements of Style, by William Strunk. You can access ...
John Carlton critiques a letter to business owners, and discusses the short memories of prospects and customers. John’s comments: When you refer from somewhere else, you often want to let them know what ...
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