This is a presentation given during a copywriting hotseat seminar by both Carlton and the client for which he wrote many golf letters… Bob Pierce from OHP golf. You get to experience 2 ...
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This is a presentation given during a copywriting hotseat seminar by both Carlton and the client for which he wrote many golf letters… Bob Pierce from OHP golf. You get to experience 2 ...
Get all of John Carlton’s most successful ads here >> John Carlton’s Best Ads… and The Stories Behind Them Sometimes we all like to pretend we’re not motivated by money. That’s fine to ...
I still don’t know why Rodale came to me for a letter to the burgeoning Christian health market. I was the guy who wrote their “sex” letters, and was briefly blacklisted for causing ...
Bodybuilders are among the most insane people on the planet. Two quick stories to prove it: I once trained with Leo Costa, Jr. for a year in the gym. He’s a brutal trainer, ...
In this video, David breaks down one of his successful ads. Look over his shoulder and see what he did and why he did it. ...
This is the third in the series of hyper-effective cover letters…this is an introductory post that refers to all five of the letters. We are reprinting the same post for each of the ...
Sometimes we all like to pretend we’re not motivated by money. That’s fine to believe if you want…but you cannot afford such delusions if you are a marketer. People respond to money at ...
I chose this letter (which continues to work very well to both house and outside lists) because of the cool handwriting and doodles in the margins. This goes back to the concept of ...
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